The Benedict Way

At Benedict Associates you will discover a variety of ways to address situations – whether they be related to work or home. You will experience empathetic counselors with the skills to motivate change, improve results and elevate your well-being. Benedict specializes in effective resolution of issues, making sure you get the attention you need in the way you need it.
Benedict’s approach is backed by over 30 years of excellence, extraordinary care and a belief in the potential of each individual. We assist you to discover the power to create a difference in your life.
In a synergistic way, Benedict Associates provides you with the specialized knowledge and trained expertise of professionals in order to better serve your organization and employees. No matter what your need, Benedict Associates offers Services & Solutions delivered with extraordinary care and discretion.
You will experience Benedict Associate’s unique ability to foster performance-based solutions in all areas of the workplace from top management to the newest recruit. Working with Benedict Associates is an investment strategy that will protect and nurture your company’s human capital investment.
Benedict Associates Ltd. was established in 1985 to provide quality Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services which gives employees effective resources for improving emotional well-being, creating work life balance and building workplace resiliency and improved performance.
Benedict has been offering general counseling services with the Student Assistance Programs (SAP) since 1997. Parents, teachers and school counselors have experienced the results of effective intervention in student behaviour or mood. Psychological and cognitive assessments may be necessary for children in need. The use of state-of-the-art testing materials can facilitate entry and financial advice for specialized overseas schooling.
Benedict has offered private Counseling & Psychotherapy since 2006 as an independent response to hundreds of requests for individuals not covered under their company’s EAP umbrella. The valuable assistance you receive from private services, can also be a personal choice for long term follow-on after EAP counseling service benefits are completed.
You will meet and exceed your professional and personal goals when involved in Benedict’s Private Coaching. Life changes dramatically when you explore what might be missing from your life, address any self-imposed barriers that may be holding you back and work to bring greater clarity to your life through improved decision making and actions.
Benedict began to offer Human Resource, Organizational Development, Leadership Training & Team Building (OAP) services in 1995. You and your company will benefit from Benedict’s management consultation services, coaching, team-building, and conflict resolution for individuals, groups or departments.
Benedict implemented Drug Free Work Place (DFWP) initiatives in 1997 as the demand grew from its client companies to provide in-house policies & procedures as well as intervention for staff using drugs. Our data shows that with a DFWP initiative, active drug use by employees has dropped from over 20% to under 2%.
Testing & Assessment services are used by professionals, schools and individuals for a variety of reasons. Some examples include suitability for promotion, performance development, personality strengths, attention deficit and emotional conditions. These processes are equally effective for individuals and teams, and are often used in combination to help in leadership and team building situations. You will receive superior care and attention by qualified professionals who are trained to know which of the many assessment tools to use in each specific situation.
Benedict Accredited Companies

Confidentiality & Privacy
You can be assured that Benedict Associates takes confidentiality very seriously.
We know how valuable confidentiality is to you and your organisation, especially in a country as small as Bermuda where privacy is at a premium. Our security measures take these circumstances into consideration every day.
In an effort to afford you complete privacy, our staff members adhere to a strict professional code that starts when you first call for an appointment and encompasses the entire process – even to the extent that we will not leave any messages without your prior approval. In public or at a social gathering, we will take your lead as if being introduced ‘for the first time’.
We also adhere to best practice regarding confidentiality in our record-keeping. Confidentiality regulations are initially reviewed with clients as they commence care. Security features in our soft-ware protect the confidential nature of all personal data yet allows collective demographic data to be generated for periodic reports as required.