Student Assistance Program
“Our school has had a long standing relationship with Benedict & Associates which has proven to be highly beneficial both for our students and faculty. The referral process is well organized and treatment plans are developed to meet the client’s individual needs.” – Private School Representative

Your student’s accomplishment and outlook will be improved by participating in the Student Assistance Program (SAP). Benedict Associates has a proven track record in collaboration with school personnel and student’s family members, in changing behaviors and mentoring and motivating for academic success.
The SAP helps students, teachers, school counselors and families with issues that may be affecting a student’s success. Your student may lack motivation, be withdrawn or defiant, be bullied, be abusing alcohol or drugs — there are any number of issues that could be preventing a student having a positive school experience.
Benedict has expert professionals that can provide an immediate response and solutions to critical incidents. It also advises on a structure and systems that will help schools mobilise their resources to minimise and anticipate future issues, before minor incidents grow into major problems.
If you are a teacher or school counselor, the SAP provides additional, specialist support for you — from interventions to therapeutic counseling.